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Government and Non Government Organizations- NGO(s)


Review policies vs laws to ensure they are Constitutional and represent the Community as a whole.

Example:  ALA - The American Library Association provides Book Challenge Procedure Guidelines that are followed by Chippewa Valley Schools while promoting the very same books parents have concerns about due to age/content appropriation. Unelected NGO (non government organization)

Example:  Health Department’s/CDC “recommendations” became protocols and rules. Unelected NGO (non government organization) - unlawfully enforced

Example:  Neola - A "For Profit" Organization influencing our school's policy making with an emphasis on highly controversial topics to impose a radical ideology within our school system.

While Neola is responsible for creating much of our District website policy, Administrator Guidelines, Best Practices, By-Laws  and more, the organization supports very left leaning agendas that do not represent a great portion of the families in our Community. They are partnered with several other organizations that Chippewa Valley Schools does "business" with. Unelected NGO (non government organization)

Did you know? "The System" & How Our Schools Fit In

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Paid for By Committee to Elect Lew Miles
19441 Norway Pine Dr.
Macomb, Michigan 48044
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