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The Michigan Campaign Finance Act (MCFA) establishes contribution limits for publicly elected offices in Michigan.  This means that candidates running for office are limited in what they are allowed to accept from individuals. 

Your individual donations of $2,100 or less are more than welcomed, and am required to obtain the following information: name, address, occupation and employer for each individual contributor. 

I cannot accept donations from businesses, nor from anonymous donations.  

If you would like to mail a donation please make your check payable to and send it to: 

CTE Lew Miles

19441 Norway Pine Dr.

Macomb, Michigan 48044

Thank you for your donation. 

Thank you for your contribution, I will work hard for and be a positive voice for the children.  
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Paid for By Committee to Elect Lew Miles
19441 Norway Pine Dr.
Macomb, Michigan 48044
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